Wednesday, April 15, 2009


MooD:Tired...Exhausted...Seriously,get the spotlight outta my face!

Genre:Complaints and Grumbles


To be frank, I absolutely HATE walking under the friggin' hawt sun...I also Totally HATE feeling vulnerable and that never fails to happen whenever the rays sting my skin and then melt them...I feel like a F****ing ice cream....!!!  *hysterical screams*

And despite all that,I still walk to tuition,..painfully and unbearably carrying my school bags that weighs more than a sack of rice.Seriously.It does.

I am just sooo tired of all this!! *screams hysterically...again,then wails like a crazy hyena*
Wednesday happens to be the most bussiest day of the week...

1.Wake up horribly early after sleeping awfully late.
2.Mourn in silence but then turn out looking like i merajuk.
3.Reach school exactly on time if not late,only to remeber that i left something at home {unbelievable as it is,it happens every week! grr!}
4.Start taking the damn kedatangan,and realize that nearly half the class isn't in our line where they should be {bloody stray guinea pigs born specially to ****ing torture me}
5.The whole day moves pretty slow.wait.Painfully slow.So slow that,well,just get the picture aite?
6.Make up a list of stuff that i would work on like my never ending,out-of-date revision that i'm not gonna complete anyway.
7.School ends.Grab lunch:bun/ice cream/water.Ponder with it awhile,then start trying to study.
8.First distraction arrive [usually Bro,Roobz and V].Make noise,wreck my concentration,then leave.Although,I must say I don't mind them at all.The exact type of distractions I would simply love to have =)
9.Second distraction appears almost right after [DK,Sara,Rugen...a.k.a Vetti and Co.]Ruin my concentration entirely,piss me off with their rude remarks,knowing that I'm defenseless.
10.Last but not least distraction waltz in [ Lil G',Puny R and others].Now,i'm boring my eyes into the book,reading everything yet nothing. .>@(
11.Finally,time to go.Should be thankful.But i'm not.Why should i be?The mean,mean Sun just appears when I step out of school.Which is sooooooo unfair!!=(
12.Still on the way,now feeling the pain of a construction-syt worker. *Sweat**Groan**Perspire*
13.Eyes are falling lazily.Can't construct a damn sentencewithout ambarassing myself.
14.Feeling fresher no wthat the class is over.
15.Wait for whatever transport.Get in,go home,Hog in whatever they have,zonk out.
16.Wake up.Shower.Rush to Math class.There,i join blur Sheilaa,and grumbling Chee Soong[how the hell do i spell your name,buddy?]
17.Agonizing class ends.Almost immediately realize I've forgotten everything.Ah,well...It'll come back later.Go home and waste away.
18.Wake up next morning feeling like a dead corpse-turned-living-zombie.

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