Sunday, April 12, 2009

Boyfriend Turned Bestman

MooD:HeartBroken...For the Guy

Genre:Poetic Depression

If I could do it over,
Oh,please just this once,
I would never be than same sucker,
I just need this one chance.

Alas!It is far too late,
You're now in the arms of another,
Is it just a chapter, or is our fate?
Who is this man?Can he be as good as a lover?

Would your eyes dance again,
Like firelight upon seeing him,
Would you ever feel my absence and refrain,
Or would you ignore it and continue by whim?

Have I another damned chance,
To speak out all I have ever felt,
From the bottom of my broken heart,
I would lift in from your eyes,the guilt.

And hear you sing in my head,
Like the beautiful nightingale you are,
For it is in remebrance of you smile,that leaves my wrists uncut,
Sparing me from the tormenting image in the mirror.

What I wouldn't do to turn things around,
You're too good for me and you deserve way better,
Why the,am I stalking you like a sick,dumb, hound?
If I can't bear to see you,yet be away either?

I need you back forever,
Stop avoiding me like that,
I would take what it is,whatsoever,
As long as I have you back.

Friendship,the last thing I'd want,
Yet,you leave me no choice and hence I accept,
As long as I see your face,filled with joy and fun,
The unbearable agony all forgotten after a glimpse of that.

Weven if that is the most I can ever offer,
You shall have it,it is yours to keep,
I lost you once and I'm not losin' you twice,no sir,
For what else greater to campare to the beauty of friendship?

It hurts more than the sword,I feel,
Slashing through my bleeding heart,
Seeing him getting down to kneel,
With a ring in his palm,in your backyard.

marry me,my dear Grace,
you'd never have to be alone,
Please just say yes caz,
I love you,and that' all I really know.

The world stopped for the three fo us,
One expectant,another shocked,
I was heart broken for she was mine first,
She said yes and I watched them hug.

Is this vile jealousy feels,then?
As the pathetic,green-eyed monster,
I watch you in the altar with that man,
Vowing to be together till the end,forver.

                                                                                                     ~Written by a loser who lost his lady~

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