Saturday, April 11, 2009

Of fatal Friendships Turned Sore


All those who deserves to be forgiven shall be forgiven. 

So,after being betrayed, deceived, and used, am i really supposed to F****ing forgive her for treating me like a tissue paper and thinking that I'm a sidewalk that she can step all over like it was my main purpose of existance? 

She knew I won't stay quiet and revenge taste sweeter than blood to me,..

I get more dirt of her than i can do with,...
When Jennifer apoogized to her,..I thought it wuz okay,she being a hardcore Christian and all...
Apparently,in one of the numerous meetings she attends,the big guy,whoever he is, said something about forgiving that person even if it wasn't her fault. So,our Big Miss-Goody-too-shoes-heart-of-gold buddy trotted off and apologized..

Now why would she do something like that?She even forgave her!After all she has done....
Of course,it may seem like the right thing to do...but after really following up on the ghastly episodes of our friendship together, you would realize that you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were her...

When I tell the things that happen and stuff I did for her, They would go like,"See?She took advantage of you!Why did you have to protect her like that?Her probzla.."
But that's just the way I am to friendz...

so,..izzit a major mistake of mine to actually devote myself to unpredictable friendships?

Should I,like the noble and wide..sorry,big hearted Jennifer,quit being such a bitch and forgive and forget? Should I  end the year long silent war?Or should I sereve her with the justice she owes me by payback-revenge?

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