Sunday, April 5, 2009


Do not copy the answers.
The tag questions must be 100% same.
Tag people after doing the tag.
No tagging back.

1) Kaveena
2) Natasha
3) Jennifer
4) Jeet
5) Rooban
6) Ravendra
7) Donz
8) Vekaash
9) Umi
10) Vinoshena

How do you know 1? (Kaveena)
.:: about 5 yrs ago.So before walking down memory lane AGAIN,i'd better move on ::.

What would you do if you never met 2? (Natasha)
.:: I would still be suffering from Excessive Ameriacan Accent Syndrome and I would be the loneliest person in P8 ::.

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated you? (Jennifer & Jeet)
.:: i would laugh my head off! Caz jennifer is incapable of turning our hardcore friendship into a lesbian relationship and my brother is waaay too desperate for one of those ****** Assunta girls!XD ::.

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple? (Rooban & Ravendra)
.:: No.No.No.Its a TOTAL nightmare.Violent and sadistic Rooban and Clown-faced Mr-Bean Impersonator,Ravendra??..NO! ::.

Do you think 7 is attractive? (Donz)
.:: Not sexually,but maybe he has a nice soul..or we souldn't be such good friends for so long.. ::.

Do you know anything about 8's family? (Vekaash)
.:: Oh boy,..could i start n go on n on..muahahaz.over-protective mom,hip dad,obnoxious bro1,coopreative bro2,devilish-cute sizta,pampering grandmother...shudn't go on...he's probz gonna kill me afta reading thisXD ::.

Tell me something about 9 (Umi)
.:: What she mainly talks about:Boys,Jonas Bros,Boys..Damn funny...clowny lil' creature..bad hairdo bt it comes wif a natural look.good natured.short stuff[look who's talkin!hehez].has a super henna-drawing skill. ::.

What language does 2 speak? (Natasha)
.:: Fails miserably to speak her mother tongue[chinese].speaks BM in a cacated manner. English wif tonz of grammatical errors bt its soooo Her...that's d best part ::.

Who is 3 going out with? (Jennifer)
.:: Now that would be telling!XD ::.

How old is 4? (Jeet)
.:: 16 but then syok sendiri 18 above ^^ ::.

Who is 6's favourite singer? (Ravendra)
.:: Maybz some Indian singer.Who knows? ::.

Would you date 7? (Donz)
.:: Hey!what's ur prob wif Donz neway?Dont think so..Frendz 4 Life! ::.

Do you prefer 10 single? (Vinoshena)
.:: Is her life..And im cool with her eitherway ::.

What is 9's last name? (Umi)
.:: Salmah ::.

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1? (Kaveena)
.:: Juzz caz she's a tomboy and loox/sound/behave like a guy duznt mean she is one[technically speaking]! She's better off wif someone else!XD::.

Which school does 2 go to? (Natasha)
.:: retarded skewl :D ::.

What do you like about 3? (Jennifer)
.:: Great debator although sumtimes she craps.Good-natured.Chicken.Gentle.Comforting. ::.

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