Saturday, April 18, 2009

MooD:Exhausted...Tired...Hype-Aftermath Spell

Genre:Winding sypnosis of today's events

So,...i woke up lk at about 6 am [for the very fist time this year *round of applause*]...Stretched got ready,...blahblahblah...skipping the boring stuff.
Then,Roobz came over and went to skewl...

The whole place wuz in a quiet buzz caz of the small crowd but I was already busy...

So Suganisha had passed her mighty weighs-a-ton load of burden on my shoulders to handle everything and be in charge of the whole arranging,do-this-do-that thing caz she's occupied with Kawad stuff,which I don't mind caz I have Yee En/Yi En [sumtng lk that] yay! =)
But I must say,her duties are quite heavy for a simple SPM student...
  1. Finish up the Aspirasi report
  2. Kawad...which means she has to wak around in a robotic,mundane and unattractive fashion that says anything but unique and standing out.
  3. Deal with almost everyhting like ice-cream,money,booths,froms,supplies,more supplies and well,the entire operation!!
Dunno if it wuz her idea but them.the president of Leo Club is pretty darn lazy,that awful hag that abondoned us in the lurch to do it all on our own! * angry wheez*

Then,things were hectic.

  • Had to send someone to get the money [Jennyfer].
  • Had to get stamp pads for the coupons without a cop [Satu].
  • Had to actually ask where the booths are supposed to be.
  • Decide the arrangement of the sweets,foods,drinks and pretty much everything and lemme tell you that the space that the kanjus (stingy) assholes gave us just showed their rwetardness in managing things.But sumhow we managed lar..;D
  • Welcome the volunteers [ the Mighty Xavier and Duke/Lord Dylan a.k.a Hunk and Handsome XD ].And since neither ice cream nor pizza have arrived,I had to send on errands here and there after being shoo-ed away by the Barbequeing Machos [ Vekaash,Jeet,Aravind,Isaac,Logendra,Vinod.....zzzz...oh!and Adrian]
  • I had to deal with coupon issues...followed by Dakshaan and the Gang issues...Gawd!They piss me off! >(
Tiredness....after like totally draining out every single >whatever measurement used<>

I wuz like damn nervous caz i wuz sharing Vekaash punya spikes but then,he wuz also sharing it with Pavin,Aizat[i guess] and one more guy....and all the acara were closely-knit so im lk ,"oh shit!Am i gonna have enuf time and all that]

Dakshaan wuz behaving weirdly wif me but hey,he's a guy so I'm like,"kayz....whatever.Im not gonna understand you neway!"

Vekaash and I were hanging out together,mostly....We were like ,"Is the acara now?" like,every 2 mins. I wuz lk stretching and I dint know a few guyz were looking.They went like,"Be careful.Dont stretch too much." And i did the wtf-do-i-look-like-i-even-care face that I wuz so famous for and naturally igmored always.Which is just sad in their part caz they never brought any significant meaning into anyone's life and they're just a piece of toxic waste lying around in the open.
Finally....,the time came to run...
I wuz strangely a bit norm...sure,the nervousness wuz there but not in the drowning,compulsive sorta way but in the 'criteria:be-nervous' sorta way which suprised me.V wished me g'luck and i posed in the oh-so-perasan-queen way that i wuz so popular for...naturally,he wuz suprised and all that but then,hu wouldn't be,upon seeing me being suddenly weird and playful over the race i've been sweating about for weeks?

I ran...ran...then there wuz this part in my lane where the sand wuz thick and slippery*dayum!* and so i had to slow down [thank gawd they warned me ^^] and then belinda [red] cut me n i wuz 2nd...
This is the silliest part: I thought,"I'm thirsty lar...ah chill la dei!..."and just kept a constant pace...and finished 2nd,like the rest after me!Had i cut into a sprint rather than a not slow,not so casual,not super-fast-either pace,i woulda definitely won...Haizness...

Anywayz...i still got the whatever thing they hang around the neck,..^^

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


MooD:Tired...Exhausted...Seriously,get the spotlight outta my face!

Genre:Complaints and Grumbles


To be frank, I absolutely HATE walking under the friggin' hawt sun...I also Totally HATE feeling vulnerable and that never fails to happen whenever the rays sting my skin and then melt them...I feel like a F****ing ice cream....!!!  *hysterical screams*

And despite all that,I still walk to tuition,..painfully and unbearably carrying my school bags that weighs more than a sack of rice.Seriously.It does.

I am just sooo tired of all this!! *screams hysterically...again,then wails like a crazy hyena*
Wednesday happens to be the most bussiest day of the week...

1.Wake up horribly early after sleeping awfully late.
2.Mourn in silence but then turn out looking like i merajuk.
3.Reach school exactly on time if not late,only to remeber that i left something at home {unbelievable as it is,it happens every week! grr!}
4.Start taking the damn kedatangan,and realize that nearly half the class isn't in our line where they should be {bloody stray guinea pigs born specially to ****ing torture me}
5.The whole day moves pretty slow.wait.Painfully slow.So slow that,well,just get the picture aite?
6.Make up a list of stuff that i would work on like my never ending,out-of-date revision that i'm not gonna complete anyway.
7.School ends.Grab lunch:bun/ice cream/water.Ponder with it awhile,then start trying to study.
8.First distraction arrive [usually Bro,Roobz and V].Make noise,wreck my concentration,then leave.Although,I must say I don't mind them at all.The exact type of distractions I would simply love to have =)
9.Second distraction appears almost right after [DK,Sara,Rugen...a.k.a Vetti and Co.]Ruin my concentration entirely,piss me off with their rude remarks,knowing that I'm defenseless.
10.Last but not least distraction waltz in [ Lil G',Puny R and others].Now,i'm boring my eyes into the book,reading everything yet nothing. .>@(
11.Finally,time to go.Should be thankful.But i'm not.Why should i be?The mean,mean Sun just appears when I step out of school.Which is sooooooo unfair!!=(
12.Still on the way,now feeling the pain of a construction-syt worker. *Sweat**Groan**Perspire*
13.Eyes are falling lazily.Can't construct a damn sentencewithout ambarassing myself.
14.Feeling fresher no wthat the class is over.
15.Wait for whatever transport.Get in,go home,Hog in whatever they have,zonk out.
16.Wake up.Shower.Rush to Math class.There,i join blur Sheilaa,and grumbling Chee Soong[how the hell do i spell your name,buddy?]
17.Agonizing class ends.Almost immediately realize I've forgotten everything.Ah,well...It'll come back later.Go home and waste away.
18.Wake up next morning feeling like a dead corpse-turned-living-zombie.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Confessions fo a Nurotic Dare Devil


Genre:Wild poetic ride

Hell yeah,I know,
Just who I am,
A usual go-getter on the go,
Or just perhaps,the eternally damned.

An epiphany,this is what it is,
Raw adrenaline pumping through my veins,
Like my own personal brand of drugs,why even try to resist?
True to honour,I shall never reveak my cohort's names.

Swearing at someone in public,
Just to show I can and that I would,
Just to indulge in myself like a total pig,
The rare irresistable urge to do it just caz I could.

I don't care what anyone thinks though I never did,
I don;t give a damn what a person in the outer circle has to say,
Cause' I'm done giving a thought bout' stuff that I don't need,
But if i don't follow my heart for a moment,then it's an off day.

The tree is so high up so *duh!* I gotta be up there,
Throwing caution to the wind is definitely too old of a habit,
The familiar hysteric;the desire that churns my blood to flair,
No hesitance in my part & I'm doomed to follow my heart,damnit!

Boyfriend Turned Bestman

MooD:HeartBroken...For the Guy

Genre:Poetic Depression

If I could do it over,
Oh,please just this once,
I would never be than same sucker,
I just need this one chance.

Alas!It is far too late,
You're now in the arms of another,
Is it just a chapter, or is our fate?
Who is this man?Can he be as good as a lover?

Would your eyes dance again,
Like firelight upon seeing him,
Would you ever feel my absence and refrain,
Or would you ignore it and continue by whim?

Have I another damned chance,
To speak out all I have ever felt,
From the bottom of my broken heart,
I would lift in from your eyes,the guilt.

And hear you sing in my head,
Like the beautiful nightingale you are,
For it is in remebrance of you smile,that leaves my wrists uncut,
Sparing me from the tormenting image in the mirror.

What I wouldn't do to turn things around,
You're too good for me and you deserve way better,
Why the,am I stalking you like a sick,dumb, hound?
If I can't bear to see you,yet be away either?

I need you back forever,
Stop avoiding me like that,
I would take what it is,whatsoever,
As long as I have you back.

Friendship,the last thing I'd want,
Yet,you leave me no choice and hence I accept,
As long as I see your face,filled with joy and fun,
The unbearable agony all forgotten after a glimpse of that.

Weven if that is the most I can ever offer,
You shall have it,it is yours to keep,
I lost you once and I'm not losin' you twice,no sir,
For what else greater to campare to the beauty of friendship?

It hurts more than the sword,I feel,
Slashing through my bleeding heart,
Seeing him getting down to kneel,
With a ring in his palm,in your backyard.

marry me,my dear Grace,
you'd never have to be alone,
Please just say yes caz,
I love you,and that' all I really know.

The world stopped for the three fo us,
One expectant,another shocked,
I was heart broken for she was mine first,
She said yes and I watched them hug.

Is this vile jealousy feels,then?
As the pathetic,green-eyed monster,
I watch you in the altar with that man,
Vowing to be together till the end,forver.

                                                                                                     ~Written by a loser who lost his lady~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Of fatal Friendships Turned Sore


All those who deserves to be forgiven shall be forgiven. 

So,after being betrayed, deceived, and used, am i really supposed to F****ing forgive her for treating me like a tissue paper and thinking that I'm a sidewalk that she can step all over like it was my main purpose of existance? 

She knew I won't stay quiet and revenge taste sweeter than blood to me,..

I get more dirt of her than i can do with,...
When Jennifer apoogized to her,..I thought it wuz okay,she being a hardcore Christian and all...
Apparently,in one of the numerous meetings she attends,the big guy,whoever he is, said something about forgiving that person even if it wasn't her fault. So,our Big Miss-Goody-too-shoes-heart-of-gold buddy trotted off and apologized..

Now why would she do something like that?She even forgave her!After all she has done....
Of course,it may seem like the right thing to do...but after really following up on the ghastly episodes of our friendship together, you would realize that you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were her...

When I tell the things that happen and stuff I did for her, They would go like,"See?She took advantage of you!Why did you have to protect her like that?Her probzla.."
But that's just the way I am to friendz...

so,..izzit a major mistake of mine to actually devote myself to unpredictable friendships?

Should I,like the noble and wide..sorry,big hearted Jennifer,quit being such a bitch and forgive and forget? Should I  end the year long silent war?Or should I sereve her with the justice she owes me by payback-revenge?

Friendship That Sinks

MooD:3mO n Hung Up...Totally far has been complicated,confusing,..and yea,..distressful.
WTH am i s'pposed to do when being spaced out isn't enough for both of us anymore?I know you may not exactly get what's going on caz, of course,the identity of the person being spoken of is definitely confidential and only known to those involved. So, A2 and I have been fighting and hurting each other for over a month now. We make up, then we get down to it again...only it isn't love and it is THE most complicated friendship I have ever had in my life. He calls to apologize, only to say the wrong things and piss me off...again..The sad part is, he is sooo darn sincere[i hope..] and i have no idea why we are so NOT compatible caz things were soo different between us before...Why can't he be just him??
Why can't I just say what's on my mind??Why is our friendship constantly in stake??

Things turn to the worse before they get better, better before i can emo and way way worse before I could rejoice of it all being ohkay again...

WTH am i supposed to do,damnit??Is it that hard to understand each other, or is that it's just easier to fight than get along?Am I ever gonna get any answers before it's too late?
Before...we drift to worlds apart?

So many questions yet no sure voice to talk it out...

Will these be my last questions of our friendship before you start wondering my writing capabilities beyond question marks?

                                                                                                             ~ Written by an unknown friend ~

Monday, April 6, 2009

No Air

Baby juzz one more time,
I promise it's a goodbye kiss,
After all,I'm just an ols flame,
So come on,step into my embrace.

But i see your self-resistance,
When it's over between us,
Why then,the uncertain hesitance,
Or like me,are you still stuck in the past?

You still ilike me,I can tell,
But I've changed since the last I fell,
Why,don't you think I'd rebel?
Or is it that you think I'd be ohkay after that hell?

I'm not the same gullible,innocent angel,
The devilish mischief stays for i need it,
I no more need you to enable me to breathe,
On the contraire,you're suffocating me so juzz beat it!

There are other fishes in the sea,
You know that and so do I,
Knowing I'm way over you, yet you pursue me,
Thinking that I'd actually believe all those lies.

Well breaking news,you're just a chapter,
After all,this is my life,my story,
I'm better off without you,I realized soon after,
I now know,you don't write it;I do,caz it's bout' me.

Baby juzz one more time,
Promise it's a goodbye kiss,
So,come on,step into my embrace,
After all,I'm just an old flame.

I've got news for you;turns out you're just a chapter,
Obviously,since basically it's my life,my story,
I'm way better off without you,I saw not long after,
I know now,you never did write it;I did, caz it's all bout' me.

Written by an ex-rookie in luv

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Do not copy the answers.
The tag questions must be 100% same.
Tag people after doing the tag.
No tagging back.

1) Kaveena
2) Natasha
3) Jennifer
4) Jeet
5) Rooban
6) Ravendra
7) Donz
8) Vekaash
9) Umi
10) Vinoshena

How do you know 1? (Kaveena)
.:: about 5 yrs ago.So before walking down memory lane AGAIN,i'd better move on ::.

What would you do if you never met 2? (Natasha)
.:: I would still be suffering from Excessive Ameriacan Accent Syndrome and I would be the loneliest person in P8 ::.

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated you? (Jennifer & Jeet)
.:: i would laugh my head off! Caz jennifer is incapable of turning our hardcore friendship into a lesbian relationship and my brother is waaay too desperate for one of those ****** Assunta girls!XD ::.

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple? (Rooban & Ravendra)
.:: No.No.No.Its a TOTAL nightmare.Violent and sadistic Rooban and Clown-faced Mr-Bean Impersonator,Ravendra??..NO! ::.

Do you think 7 is attractive? (Donz)
.:: Not sexually,but maybe he has a nice soul..or we souldn't be such good friends for so long.. ::.

Do you know anything about 8's family? (Vekaash)
.:: Oh boy,..could i start n go on n on..muahahaz.over-protective mom,hip dad,obnoxious bro1,coopreative bro2,devilish-cute sizta,pampering grandmother...shudn't go on...he's probz gonna kill me afta reading thisXD ::.

Tell me something about 9 (Umi)
.:: What she mainly talks about:Boys,Jonas Bros,Boys..Damn funny...clowny lil' creature..bad hairdo bt it comes wif a natural look.good natured.short stuff[look who's talkin!hehez].has a super henna-drawing skill. ::.

What language does 2 speak? (Natasha)
.:: Fails miserably to speak her mother tongue[chinese].speaks BM in a cacated manner. English wif tonz of grammatical errors bt its soooo Her...that's d best part ::.

Who is 3 going out with? (Jennifer)
.:: Now that would be telling!XD ::.

How old is 4? (Jeet)
.:: 16 but then syok sendiri 18 above ^^ ::.

Who is 6's favourite singer? (Ravendra)
.:: Maybz some Indian singer.Who knows? ::.

Would you date 7? (Donz)
.:: Hey!what's ur prob wif Donz neway?Dont think so..Frendz 4 Life! ::.

Do you prefer 10 single? (Vinoshena)
.:: Is her life..And im cool with her eitherway ::.

What is 9's last name? (Umi)
.:: Salmah ::.

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1? (Kaveena)
.:: Juzz caz she's a tomboy and loox/sound/behave like a guy duznt mean she is one[technically speaking]! She's better off wif someone else!XD::.

Which school does 2 go to? (Natasha)
.:: retarded skewl :D ::.

What do you like about 3? (Jennifer)
.:: Great debator although sumtimes she craps.Good-natured.Chicken.Gentle.Comforting. ::.

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Welcome to the Unpredictable but harsh world of the Dramatic Rwetard. Since im the master, i, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Universe, claim the rights to lampoon and lambaste anyone my heart desires. WARNING:You read my memoir at your own risk and I will not be responsible to any hard feelings laboured to me for the excessive content of the vulgar language that abuses a person/thing verbally. Also please be noted that you may leave this place whenever you please and that your presence here isn't necessary.I never did stick a gun to your head or a sadistic knife to your throat with a request for you to read my blog,and unless i did, you are reading this without my dire invitation for you to. Please be noted that any irrelevant comment posted that does not match my liking shall be deleted after a harsh reply. If you're not prepared for what's next,you should consider leaving this place as soon as possible, for i don't think you can handle it.