Friday, May 15, 2009

Undevoted Blogger

MooD: Frustrated

Genre: Guilt Confession and Questionaire

Evidently, I cannot, i repeat cannot, fit into the "compulsive blogger" catogory since Im such an utter failure in updating my blog that's supposed to reflect and broadcast my oh-so-dramatic life,which is just that - dramatic. 
But with a tiny exception...I AM NOT BLOGGING!!
Im sooo darned myself...I keep scolding myself [doing a poor job in it,dont worry..You dont have to worry that Im too hard on myself ^^]..

What is it with diaries and me,anyway??I mean,'s soo hard to actually post a blog...*frustrated sigh* * exasperated sigh* 

Ah cant win em' all..

Coming up:Questions of the Week

  1. What the fuck do you think you'r doing??
  2. Who the hell do you think you are, fucking Albert Einstein?
  3. When the hell are you gonna step out of your delusional world that the day is eventually going to be someone??
  4. Do you fucking realize that PMR is coming to get you in 4 months (!) time??

Those are the questions which I'll have to come up with answers...soon.Or else, *menacing eyes* it'll be eternal damnataion for me.*intermission soundtrack*

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