Thursday, May 21, 2009

!st Daayy

MooD: Panic, Chill, Panic,Chill...

Genre: Report on 1st day exam

Cast: Ravy, Jenn, Winnie, Dylan and the papers =)

The first exam wuz.....*drumrolls,please* Bm paper 1...

Which I may/may not have flunked. Mostly, it wuz a-ohkay...
So, im not worried too much. Did a few exercises last night [ in which upon marking, concluded that I wuz a total goner 8D ]

Spent too much time on the Bm revision that left me tired for Geo...but I memorized the places and so on so forth...

Then 2nd paper.... Geography.*chang chang chaaanngg*

The most - kaylar...mayb not the most but one of them =) - wrecked subject of all times.

It wuz suprisingly,do-able...caz well,..I studied *cheer: "Gooo...Nerd!!You can do it!"* *pompoms shakes* 

Everyhting wuz 5n....until..they started asking those questions.Yup!The quetions to the exact topic I left out of my revision [ it did swear sumting about a payback upon being osctracised =D ], brushing it off as "Aiyah!Just too easy to study lah...Read enough dy..." which was quite a certain extent ]

I had to ask ans *sob sob* [ yes,dear readers - if there's any - my promise to myself was broken in the attempt of saving my marks ] from the self-proclaimed-proffesional-exam-cheater *curtains pulls aside* : Raven aka Ravy akan Mr Bean Impersonator [ best friend and gossip forum of all time XD ].

He was sitting on my table [ which was pushed towards the wall caz i wuz too malas too bring home the cornucopia of books =) ] and doing very nicely,while cheating,of course. =) 
Apparently, I's written some notes on the definitaion of those Simile, Personifikasi and so on while teacher was explaining before [ before,that is, she left to the Kampong to look after her father,happily abandoning us *sob sob* ] for memory purposes and it had helped him with a a question....

A question I knew the answers to,anyway, so Im chill..=D

I had asked the papers back so that I could ask some of the answers from those whom had already passed up their papers *hangs head in guilt*
Dylan -oh!MeLuv- actually gave me the answers to the question I had the most doubt but then, haizness...
I opted to trust Jen, who had very conveniently given me abother answer.And since she's the Pro in Geo and all...
The sad part is,...she wrote the right ans but had given me the wrong one!!
Haizness, hearing and I..Someday,Im gonna get so annoyed with my harting abilities that Im just going to *makes a slicing motion with hand* slice off my ears - just like that.

Ah well, can't win em' all...

Then came Bm Paper 2 *glass shatters everywhere*...

In which,somehow,I dunno why,I spent nearly 10 whole minutes dreaming and fiddling with my pencil  - maybe it was caz i din't have anything for break and that's a first,i dunno...-I was the only one in that whole room who was twirling my pencil around my fingers and looking at everyone like a damn rotating CCTV [ they do, call me Ms Rotating amongst other nicknames lol ] while evryone else was furiously but diligently writing away on that notepad/paper/whatever they had to write on like their life depended on it. 

I did that too, the last 7 mins of the paper...I gave up on my 'nice handwriting' and jumped to the 'chicken scratches' wagon caz that's exactly how it looked like!
My heart was beating so damn fast - not for the first time though - somehow,this alwayz happens to me in every single Bm paper 2 exam - It even had the beat i cant get right while playing my guitar!!

I was witing away like mad,cursing ta myself - as usual -for wasting so much time earlier on.

*suspense music plays eeriely fast in the background* Finally, I was done. I didn't even have the time to check my durh!I barely managed to finish the entire paper! =D
After passing up my paper, Kishen asks next to me," What did you out for the definition of perspektif sempit?"
I say,"Pemikiran kolot. Can ah?"
He says,"Yalah...same what.."
Of course, I dont believe the numbnut - sorry!i really do appreciate your pencil and all the other stuff you lent me today but that doesn't change facts,though - so I turnaround and ask Jen.
Jen: I dunno...Caz pemikiran kolot is like -says the meaning which i forgot but i remember enough that realized I did a terible mistake that's gonna cost me" 
The right answer: Pemikiran yang tidak terbuka.

Holy Shit!!Wth am i supposed to do??

Ravy then came over to my desk and asks me how many word did I write for my Bahagian B.I panicked cause' I'd forgotten to write it down despite taking the time to painfully count every single damn word -that's what im supposed to do..I noe..i noe =P -...

I rush and check with the teacher if I could write it down and would you believe it??She actually let me! So i also took the oppurtunity *cheeky laughter* to change my anwer and get it write..

I felt really sad for cheating...not then,maybe,but now.
Ah well..I'll really see to it that it never happens again...
Next exam after this: Trials *yipes*

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