Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friends Forever (?)

MooD: Pissed,hurt,unsure...

Genre: Another potential breakup story

Cast: Kna,Tash,Stephanie and I

For some unfortuante reason, I seem to lose more friends faster than my dog shedding fur.

It is horrible...and I have a feeling it's happening...again...

It all started a loooong time ago =_=" when Tash started into high school..and everything was about gaining name and earning popularity...
Im not sure who changed first - she or me...but Im damn right sure that we were bth changing,morphing into 'teenagers' and all...

See,I accept chages and all but the longer I know a person, the harder it gets for me to accept it and all...

So,she starts hiding stuff and makes up excuses and lies and behind those fake laughters,I feel the true best friend I knew for ever so long slipping away slowly..

She wouldn't realize it and I think she still doesn't and I don't have any intentions of talking it out caz she's one of 'those' people that you just cant come clean entirely with..

It's sad and all...but this is what happened today....and maybe..yesterday

Yesterday: I wuz group-studying -so call- wif Kna,Vino and all la..
Kna went tuition dy so Steph approached me and asked where she was and all that..
Said she went to tuition...he asked what time she's be back and all...
and i said 7.30...zzzz *cuts the boring parts*

So,whilst waiting for her,he made small talk with me...saying stuff like how stupid sum of his scoolmates were [ a guy thought that a girl got pregnant in the anal! wtf / a girl didn't know what a condom was and bought one and filled it up with water and started hitting everyone with it...rofl ]

And then,while I was also makeing stupid comments and stuff like that he suddenly popped Minty's name in...

He started to say sumtng n then stopped abruptly...
I kept bugging him to spill the beans but he said," Ask Tash lar.Ask her to tell you"

So I asked her -she was right there- but she acted dumb and blur and when I suspected fowl play,I kept quiet and said nothing.

Today: Same group study,but only Joele,my bro and Kna...

When the guyz werent there dy,..she told my all bout Minty's party and how they were planing it and how suprised its s'posed to be and all...

I wuz lk,"wth?this is what she was hiding from me???yth for?" 
At that exact time,..who was it but Tash,cycling gayly with her bro...

I caught her and asked and she kept shrugging it off until Kna asked bout it...
and then she was like,"im sooo excited...blahblahblahblah" and I wuz lk,"wtf?"

I asked her why didn't she tell me and all...
She made excuses and stuff...
And then she started saying how it was a really 'tight' list and that Reginaa -some unknown friend of Minty- was the planner and all...
And I said I'll crash the party -i was dead serious- caz i was really hurt and mad that tash would keep this from me and I that I've been like a friend to Minty for forever and all...

It wasn't about the Java anymore,it was about our friendship and I wanted just wanted to be there...even if its just two of us celebrating on an island!

Kna and Tash exchanged nervous glances and then Tash started her full throtle excuse making scheme : tight listla,..i dunnola...are u sure...they're all from her school

I may have sounded desperate but definitely for the total opposite reason than what they would have thought of...

So I emo-ed up la...but not as much as when I found out that my dear online friend was dating a jerk form my neighbourhood and she didn't wanna tell me who exactly..
This gal studies somewhere around my school and I've known her through a friend of a friend of mine and yeah,...I was devastated caz he's a TOTAL Asshole...

And there were two people by that exact name,one of them being her,another being another loved-to-death friend of mine from my school,.only being able to tell apart by their sir names..

She finally revealed it and I was lk,"wth??why didn't you tell me??"

To be cont....

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